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Flags at Half Mast International Park, Perth Amboy *Photos by Paul W. Wang

Flags at Half Mast International Park, Perth Amboy
*Photos by Paul W. Wang

March 30, 1981: Attempted Assassination of President Ronald Reagan on his 69th day of office. Regan was exiting a hotel in Washington D.C. after making a speech when shots were fired. Immediately the secret service covered the President and shoved him into the awaiting limousine. Besides Reagan, three other individuals were hit, including the agent that took the bullet for the President.

Fast forward: December 14, 2008, Iraq. President George W. Bush gets a shoe thrown at him by an Iraqi Journalist during a press conference. The President was able to duck avoiding injury. That same journalist was able to throw another shoe at President Bush. Bush was able to duck again. Where were the secret service?

July 7, 2016: Dallas Texas: During the end of a “Black Lives Matter” protest which was had been going on peacefully suddenly shots rang out. When the shooting was over, 12 Dallas Police Officers went down; four from the Dallas Police Force and one Special Officer were shot dead. Seven Officers are still recovering from their physical injuries.

Here is the irony. Some of the Dallas Police Officers used themselves as shields to protect the “Black Lives Matters” protestors. I don’t know what it says or what kind of training Police Officers have in active shooter situations when civilians are present and in danger. Are Police Officers told that they must act as a shield to protect civilians?

Several Dallas Police Officers did this. In essence why I mentioned Presidents Reagan and Bush is because those Dallas Police Officers protected those civilians as if they were protecting the President of the United States.

The Nation and the “Black Lives Matters” organization should applaud and appreciate the ultimate sacrifice of those Officers and thank God for the Officers who shielded them. I’m going to reference the uninjured Officers as Human Shields. I can’t imagine what was going through their minds when they saw through the corner of their eyes some of their fellow fallen Officers on the ground not knowing the severity of their injuries or whether or not they were still alive. In their minds, the Human Shields knew they must protect these civilians. Some might say that it’s part of their job. I don’t know if you using your body as a Human Shield is part of the job description.

After President Obama made his speech about the Dallas Shooting some people suggested that the President request a moratorium on protests out of respect for those fallen Law Enforcement Officers. I agree.

Flags at Half Mast: Perth Amboy Police Station

Flags at Half Mast: Perth Amboy Police Station

For some reason the media concentrates on showing White Officers shooting Black Civilians. I often have YouTube videos sent to me showing these situations. I always have a tendency to look at related videos. Several of these videos show that Blacks are not the only ones shot by cops.

Just like any profession, there are good and bad. For some reason, when there is a cop who did wrong, some people just want to taint the whole profession. THIS IS WRONG!!! This is a very difficult editorial to write because you do want to recognize the civilians who were fatally shot by Officers and those shootings were  caught on video tape. Looking at the tapes, it doesn’t look good for some of those Officers. I am thankful the family of the two men who were shot expressed their condolences to the Dallas Police Department. It doesn’t do justice to those family members or the loved ones that they lost when people disrespect the Police. It also warms my heart when I see the outpouring of love via floral decorations, e-mails and hugs given to Police Officers not only in Dallas but throughout the country. In spite of this, it’s still very shocking to hear that just today Officers in some states had bottles, rocks, Molotov Cocktails and rebar (a reinforcing bar made of steel or mesh steel wire that is used for a tension device) and other projectiles thrown at them.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, “This has got to stop.” I could not agree with him more. The “Black Lives Matter” group needs to team up with the Police Department in states that have a very high crime rate in urban communities. I would start in Chicago which is known as the crime capital of the United States. Confront those monsters (gangs) who are stealing the lives of those innocent children. I cry for them.

I put the Dallas Police Officers who shielded those protestors in the same category as President Reagan’s protectors. They protected you as if you were the President. Rest in Peace to those fallen Officers.  C.M.

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