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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letter to the Editor

“The View” or “My View”

God bless President Trump and his family. It appears that he rises above all those vile, disrespectful negative comments that the “in crowd” now calls journalism. It seems that their only joy in life is to join this vicious insulting vendetta against our president. Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States. Hillary lost. Get over it.

I was told to watch “The View” on TV. Wow! What a bunch of angry women filled with venom and hatred for President Trump. These women have suddenly become political experts who comment on everything taking place in Washington and the White House. When did they become so knowledgeable about how to run the Country? They seem to outdo each other run the Country? They seem to outdo each other with some confidential info that only they have.

Whoopie Goldberg is the leader with Joy Behar making remarks about #45 (they do not want to mention the President’s name) doing something stupid. The only stupid thing is this program with the stupid audience applauding on cue. If they’re so unhappy, leave. No one will miss them or their program which is stale and played out.

By the way, didn’t Whoopie say, “If Trump wins, I’m leaving U.S.” He won. She’s still here. Whoopie, do you need help to pack? Call me. I’ll help you.

These ladies are not alone in this low class bashing of our President. Steven Colbert, Kathy Griffin and others join them. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Don’t worry about terrorists or ISIS or North Korea. We have met the enemy and they are these so-called Americans who earn a living by insulting and degrading our President.

Mary Vargo

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