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Salary Ordinance Passed

South Amboy Council

Updates on Activities & Improvements in the City

10/18/17 Council Meeting

SOUTH AMBOY – During the Second Readings of Ordinances: 13-2017 – An Ordinance to fix non-union minimum and maximum salaries, and Ordinance 14-2017 – An Ordinance to fix union minimum and maximum salaries, Councilman McLaughlin is the only one who voted, “No.”

During Council and Administration Comments, Thomas Reilly spoke first: “I want to thank Business Administrator Stacey Kennedy and those City Employees involved in the Co-op Program. (The Co-op Program involves students who shadow employees from different departments to gain work experience. These students help perform some of the duties in those departments.)” He also mentioned the upcoming fundraisers by the Friends of South Amboy (page 5). “The Texas Roadhouse Benefit is to help a young child with leukemia. Both parents are military veterans. The father has completed two tours of duty in the Middle East. Let’s show our appreciation for them.”

Reilly also asked for an update on the code violations on Broadway.

Kennedy responded, “I will ask Jay Elliott (Department of Code Enforcement) to provide a report.”

Reilly then mentioned, “This may not be the proper venue to mention this, but my son and another resident of the City, Matt Reagan passed the bar exam.”

Councilman McLaughlin asked, “When is lower Main Street work going to be put out for bid?”

City Engineer Mark Rasimowicz responded, “An RFQ was put out for an inspection and an engineer.”

McLaughlin then said, “I’m happy to report that my wife is opening up a new photo business in town.”

B.A. Stacey Kennedy spoke again, reminding the Council and all interested parties to, “Check out the new City Website. We’re open for feedback.” She also urged anyone to: “Please let us know about any information regarding upcoming community events or fundraisers so they can also be posted on the site.”

Mark Rasimowicz also reported: “The Bordentown Avenue Project has begun.”

Mayor Henry then reported, “There’s a lot going on in South Amboy. The Friends of South Amboy have held many events, and so has the South Ambo y Historical Society, which has among other programs historical tours. The recent Celtic affair was successful, and everyone should take advantage of what goes on in the City.”

Henry then addressed Councilmen Reilly and McLaughlin, “Tom, you should be proud of your son and Brian, I congratulate your wife on opening up a business. There also is a new barber shop opening up in town. I urge everyone to please go to the Texas Roadhouse (for the fundraiser) to help that family. There are a lot of volunteers in town and we can see there are a lot of things coming into fruition.”

Councilwoman Dato was absent. No members of the public were present.

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