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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

The Junk Science of Gun Control

“Gun Control” is presented as a cure-all for problems arising from economics and emotions. The validity of any solution is demonstrated by its results. In 1968 Congress passed a Gun Control Act that promised to reduce violence. After 25 years the number of violent firearm deaths increased from 15,000 to 30,000. It continues to rise to 40,000 but dropped after some states liberalized their gun control laws. Given these figures you may be able to reduce the number of violent firearm deaths by abolishing the 1968 Gun Control Act. If it saved hundreds of lives a year wouldn’t it be worth it?

There were few mass shootings before SSRI drugs like Prozac and Chantix were prescribed. Maybe the FDA needs to re-evaluate SSRI drugs given the bad results from their use by patients who turned violent?

The House recently passed a Background Check Law designed to prevent sales at weekend Gun Shows by extending the time duration. If they can’t sell on a weekend they will be put out of business. The required registration of all guns legally sold seems to be an infringement of people’s rights. Will this save lives and reduce violent deaths?

Ronald A. Sobieraj

It Takes One to Know One

Since I find almost all politicians to be distasteful, I am neither pro-Republican nor pro-Democrat. I do find it highly ironic that the vast majority of Republicans are chastising most of the Democrats for believing Mr. Cohen whom they (the Republicans) call a liar. Now, one would assume that since Mr. Cohen worked for Mr. Trump that he (Mr. Cohen) would be a Republican so in calling one of their own a liar… Well, draw your own conclusion!

We all know of the old adage, “It takes one to know one.”


Michael J. Rusznak

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