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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Statement from Mayor Helmin J. Caba on the passing of former Middlesex County Freeholder Blanquita Valenti

Press Release 3/10/21

PERTH AMBOY – Today, we mourn the passing of the former Middlesex County Commissioner Blanquita Valenti, who lived an extraordinary life of service. It was my honor to have known and worked with you.  May we carry your courage and compassion for others so that your legacy endures. My deepest condolences to the Valenti family.

Mayor Helmin J. Caba, City of Perth Amboy

Just Sit There and Obey!

I was reading an article from the Amboy Guardian “Flexing Their Muscles” March 3, 2021 about a concerned resident, Mr. Alan Silber and he was upset that the amount of time for the public to speak was changed from 5 to 3 minutes. “Yes,” Mr. Silber, Perth Amboy City Council Members are in the business to make your life “Miserable”! You got what you voted for, and this was no surprise for me. What’s next? “Censorship”! Just sit there and enjoy the circus. Also, Black Lives Matter somehow got $90 MILLION Dollars in 2020! How nice. Maybe our elected officials can ask BLM for a million or two. Now I hope you are enjoying Biden’s New America of Disorder. “Wear the mask, be miserable and obey!”

Orlando “Wildman” Perez 


the Fear

Well, it’s here. Hurray, we have a vaccine for the dreaded COVID-19 virus, or should I say the SARS-CoV-2, or 2019-nCov. I’ll just call it the “Cooties” and be done with it.

As anticipated, people are running with their arms out to be vaccinated, Stick me, stick me. Well as far as I’m concerned you can stick it, just not in me.

When Trump announced operation “Warp Speed” I didn’t understand the implications. I thought they were going to just remove the normal barriers that hinder normal research, you know, politicians vying for the work to be done in their state so their respective states get the bulk of the money, and of course the money itself.

What I didn’t realize is that this meant the whole “shootin’ match”, research, development, and deployment. Whoa, slow down a little. Almost every vaccine I ever heard of took years to develop and here you do it in months. Not only that, but this type of vaccine has never been tested before, although they’ve been working on it for other diseases for a decade or so. What’s wrong with this picture? Yet people are willingly seeking out this vaccine.

Some people say they are required to take it because of their respective employment, this is still up in the air for me. I was talking to a friend in another state and he told me his job could not require it by law even though he works at a job where he would be required to in this state. I’ll have to do some more research on this matter.

I did, however, do some research into this vaccine thing. For one thing there are now three vaccines that have an EUA, (emergency use authorization), from the FDA, none of which are approved by the FDA. Confused? Wait, it gets better. Questions that some, like myself, ask are:

1. Is it safe?

Depending on the site you go to the answer is: Oh yes it is safe, at least we think so.   

2. Does it work?

Absolutely, it is effective in 80% of the people 65% of the time but you still have to wear a mask and social distance from others.

3. If it is effective why would I have to wear a mask and practice social distancing?

Well because even though you are vaccinated, you can still be a carrier and spread it to others.

4. But if the others are vaccinated, what is the problem if the vaccine is effective there should be no worries, right?

Go away kid, you bother me.

I saw a news article on TV the other day saying that there have been no reported cases of the Flu in NJ. This does not surprise me. If the measures in place for the “Cooties” are effective and as we all know the “Cooties” are much more contagious than the Flu. Yet they are still telling us to make sure to get the Flu shot and are still advertising cold and Flu remedies. By the way, you know how some cable news channels repeat the same stories over and over, I only saw this story once. Again, I am not surprised.

I have been keeping track, on a daily basis, of “Cooties” testing and related deaths since last March, going to the same site to be as accurate as possible. About a month ago I went to another site where the link said: “How Bad is the COVID-19 Outbreak in Your County” so I clicked on it and looked up the state figures. Not only where the positive tests 200,000 people lower than the site I’ve been going to, it also had the deaths as a few thousand less. The amazing thing was that it had the recoveries listed at least it did then, I went on the site the other day and that statistic was gone, hummmm.

I guess what I am trying to say is that the vaccine is too new. Over politicizing this issue is worse than the disease itself. All that an EUA from the FDA does is give the “powers that be” the ability to turn “We the People” into Guinea Pigs for the “powers that be”.

Some may say that they saw “Mr./Ms Rich” on TV taking a shot. My answer would be: how do you know what was in that needle? It could have been a shot of B-12 for all you know, or “Mr/Ms Rich” didn’t contribute to the right campaign fund.

A little common sense goes a long way. For instance, how do you social distance in a taxi cab that is full to the brim with people? That is just one example.

If you want to make money and pass legislation that would otherwise not pass, you have to keep the people scared. And scared they are.

Joe Bayona

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