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EDITORIAL: The Strength in Faith





The Strength in Faith

We hope that those who recently celebrated Easter and Passover were able to have an in-person visit with their families, friends and anyone close to them. I was watching several YouTube videos where people held very happy reunions with their loved ones due to the fact they felt more comfortable after being fully vaccinated. Even if you didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated, we hope by practicing precaution, you were able to have an in-person visit. Whether you are a religious person or not, it is soothing to your soul, at least in my case to have a hug instead having to wave to someone and blow kisses via Zoom. Zoom can never take place of a personal touch. Even when attending virtual events, it is not the same as being there. 

Remember why we celebrate Easter and Passover. There are people who suffer unimaginable hardships but still manage to see light at the end of the tunnel and persevere and fight to overcome adversity. Yes, we all have our different coping mechanisms, and we can’t lump everyone into one box, but I know there are people far worse off than me and do not resort to a pity me attitude. 

I see the children in the St. Jude’s Hospital commercial who are suffering from cancer. They have gone through more at a young age than some people do in a lifetime. Some are shown comforting their parents and I refer to them as little warriors. 

Some people who you would think to be weak turn out to be the strongest. You never know what can happen until your back is against the wall. Whatever struggles you face, I hope that you find your own strength, or you have someone there to help you through your difficulties. That is our wish for each and every one of us. I am blessed that I have a strong support system, and I hope I am also to help others.


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