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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Pay to Play

Well folks, money talks. Looks like CVS pharmacy gave a nice political donation to some Democratic Governors like Governor Newsom (California), Northam (Virginia) and Cuomo (New York) to distribute COVID-19 vaccines. YES! You are not seeing things! CVS donated $170,000 to the New York Democratic Party and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY Democrat) and got $10,000 Dollars for his Political Action Committee. How nice! Now here’s the real kicker: CVS employees donated a staggering $450,595 dollars to Mr. Joe Biden! YES, NO BULL! The joke is on you! So, get your “Certificate of Vaccination” at CVS.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez



I’ve always believed that we should never name any recreational facility or any type of edifice (well perhaps outhouses if they were still in vogue) after any political leader. I recall reading in James McGreevy’s autobiography, “The Confession” that the late Edward Patten said of our city, “Perth Amboy is the A_____E of the world,” and we honor this man by naming a park after him? Or what about down near the Waterfront where a place of prominence is given to and a park named after someone who did NOTHING for Perth Amboy, NOTHING for the State of New Jersey and NOTHING for the United States. For every person who thinks another belongs on a pedestal, there’s a someone who knows something about that someone that can give a reason why he or she does not! Thank you!

The Honorable

Michael Rusznak

Freedom of Speech

On April 10, our illustrious mayor will be celebrating the first 100 days in office. The foundation of his campaign was changed; a break away from the status quo. Yet here we are almost 100 days later, and no one could foresee the true change that would be ushered in. 

One of the major changes we are seeing helmed by Mr. Caba and his administration led by Council President, the infamous Bill Petrick, is to limit free speech and public participation at city council meetings. 

It’s so very convenient really, during Mr. Caba’s campaign, he had all the time in the world to address and hear the voice of his town, but now, he cannot afford his constituents a paltry full five minutes to partake in their civic right and participate in council meetings. It is a travesty that council members such as BJ Torres, who just recently became a member of council, denied on two occasions the right of two citizens to exercise their God given right to free speech. Two brave members of our community were prohibited from completing their thoughts and carrying out their civic rights. It is shameful that, Mr. Torres father-in-law and predecessor was dedicated in the pursuit of public opinion on various local government issues. It is shameful, a shame to his legacy. 

COVID seems to be the convenient scapegoat for every underhanded tactic our elected officials can think up. What can be seen as a miserable attempt to be fiscally responsible and minimize “zoom” cost. The powers that be have reduced the time the public can address the council from 5 minutes to 3, choosing to screen speakers, and determine after their first 3 minutes if their input is worthy of the additional 2 minutes. It is especially interesting that the meetings were held via zoom for the first year of COVID, with no time restriction. The newly elected officials, arbitrarily and capriciously changed the time the public could speak at council meetings once Mr. Caba took office. The council, being usurped by the Council President, restricted public speech from 5mins to 3 mins. Thanks to the people and their public outcry and perhaps fear of political damage, quickly changed their minds. The fickle Council quickly reinstated the full to 5mins at the last meeting. One can only wonder, was the initial imposed restraint an attempt to maneuver the budget decisions and other political appoints? 

Interestingly enough, this is the same administration; more notably Mr. Caba and Mr. Petrick who were crying bloody murder when they accused the council of stifling their input and restricting their participation when council meetings were moved to the YMCA and no longer televised. All this after the questionable discharge of the city’s business administrator, the golden boy, Peter King. I find it equally interesting that these antics also took place during the times of COVID, however, the public’s right to address council and participate in council meetings was never reduced or limited; it was untouched. Must be an administration thing. 

It is popular belief and even the premise of government that elected officials are the voice of their constituents. To be the voice you must first know the will of the people. How can our elected officials begin to understand the peoples voice if they are so quick to stifle it? Is our local government saying that the select few know better and that they do not care about the opinion of its constituents, the very people that put them in the office they now hold? Are they saying that they can arbitrarily limit public participation on important matters such as budgeting and spending and can monopolize ideas? Such an approach provides further credibility to the smoke and mirrors of this administrations dedication to change and its fait accompli on local matters that excludes Perth Amboy’s citizens from what should be “their democracy. 

Mr. Caba, Mr. Torres, and council supporters like Mr. Bill Petrick ran their campaign on the very pretty premise of change, however the exclusion of public input was not the promise of “change” they sold Perth Amboy. 

Instead of Implementing the promised changed, they have maintained the status quo with department heads, over the top spending, one-time budget fills and shamefully ignoring the basic issues to improve the quality of life of its residents.


Manuel Fernandez

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