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THE COMMUNITY VOICE | Letters to the Editor

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Well folks, I see Perth Amboy made the social media attack about kids being harassed by the police for riding their bikes. Well, if those people that were complaining and so-called bashing the police for doing their job, all they had to do was open their eyes. We all know what was really going on with some of those wild and crazy bike riders “BREAKING the LAW”. When you ride a bike, you OBEY the law plain and simple. Also, there is other breaking the law with their vehicles by making “Illegal turns, illegal U-turns, illegal parking, and the best one loud music”. So welcome to Perth Amboy: The City of Disorder”.  

Orlando “Wildman” Perez


To offer a certain segment of public employees a subsidy for housing is as Stanley Sierakowski suggests is tantamount to bribery! A look into the history of law enforcement will find it rife with corruption including taking bribes to “look the other way” regarding organized crime to accepting money and favors to “protect” businesses and a whole litany of other infractions. In the news on a daily basis are various items where so-called law enforcement officers breaking the laws they’ve sworn to uphold. Even something like the issuing of courtesy cards (which should be abolished) has a taste of corruption about it as if being a relative or a friend of an officer entitles one to special treatment if that individual commits an infraction. And while I’m at it, is there something in PBA Contracts that precludes someone from waking a beat like in the “God Old Days”? It would certainly cut down on pollution and the expense of gas and vehicle repairs. If one chooses a career (different from “a job”) one should not complain about the choice they made. If you don’t like it, don’ t choose it! Putting a blue costume on someone doesn’t make him or her a better person. Folks, don’t be taken in by the violin music, the pot of gold awaits a mere twenty years down the road and they’ll be playing the fiddle while you’re still working. Thank you!

The Honorable

Michael Rusznak

Common Sense

What is “common sense”? If you try to look up a definition for it, all you get are generalizations that could mean many different things to a lot of different people. It is left to the individual what is or isn’t common sense.

To me “common sense” would be something like, coming in out of the rain, or not putting your hand under a running lawnmower.

Evidently, not all people are endowed with “common sense” because I remember, some years ago, a woman was arrested for being outside in the rain naked. Her reasoning was that she wanted to bathe in Gods’ tears. I guess I can accept that, to a point. But the latter is different. If all people had common sense there would not have to be a sign on lawnmowers today telling you, and I’m paraphrasing, not to put your hand under a running lawnmower.

Now to get to the point. Every time there is a nut case with a gun who shoots more than 4 people there is an outcry by politicians for “Common Sense” gun control. What exactly is that anyway? If you talk to some, it is making sure that guns do not get into the hands of people who would use them in such a manner. I’ll go for that, but it is already illegal to kill someone. That to me would be “Common Sense”. Did it stop them from killing someone? No, it did not.

According to our illustrious governor, he is going to enact some “Common Sense” gun laws to make us safer. I say enforce the laws you already have on the books and you will accomplish much more.

By his own admission, NJ has some of the toughest gun laws on the books and makes us second only to California. Also, by his own admission, half of the gun homicides in our state happen in only five of our cities. OK, again how are your “Common Sense” gun laws going to rectify that situation? Laws like making people renew their purchaser cards, proof of taking a safety course before you can purchase a gun and last but not least, raising the age to purchase a long gun from 18 to 21. Were there a lot of crimes committed by 18-year-olds with a long gun that I am not aware of?

To say these laws are “Common Sense” laws is ridiculous. They only target legitimate gun owners and do nothing to reduce gun violence committed by non – law abiding citizens. These laws have nothing to do with Common Sense” and everything to do with making it more difficult to own a gun by “We the People”.

Common sense would tell me that not only enforcing the laws already on the books but making them tougher might be the way to go. You can get 20 years for dealing drugs but only 5 years for selling an illegal gun. What’s wrong with this picture? If you commit a violent crime with a gun or traffic in illegal guns, which has been illegal since I can remember, all though it’s federal law, make it life without parole. That would certainly put a dent in gun crime. But noooo, lets attack the legitimate gun owner who will abide by your “Common Sense” gun laws and let the criminals have free reign. Heck, they don’t pay attention to the law anyway.

While we’re on the subject, there’s something else I read about this so called “Common Sense” gun bill. It seems that schools across the state have had active shooter drills, but they are uncoordinated. Our “Powers That Be” want to coordinate them. Not a bad idea I think, but then I read one of the things in the new curriculum is not rewarding kids for defending themselves. How did they put it? “Prohibiting rewarding children for fighting off potential gunmen during a drill”, What??? You should be teaching them otherwise I would think. It seems, to me anyway, that the “Powers That Be” want to train “We the People” from a very early age to be victims. Even a very strong man would have a problem if ten kids jumped on his back at the same time, just saying.

When I was a kid, things were a whole lot different. In my neighborhood almost every house had firearms in them, yet I was not afraid to go outside and play and our parents only worried about us getting hit by a car because we would have stupid attacks when we rode our bikes. They did not worry about us returning home from school, alive. School shootings were unheard of. And yet the guns were there and freely available. Yes, I agree, something has to be done. But it’s not the guns that are the problem. Let’s use some “Common Sense”.

Joe Bayona

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