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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Speed Bumps

Some have proposed “speed bumps: on streets to reduce speeding by producing a jolt to any automobile going fast. This will also produce a jolt to any automobile at regular speed. This creates wear and tear on all automobiles. Do people want this?

Are there any scientific studies that justify this method?

Ronald A. Sobieraj

Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964

July, 2021 marks the 57th Anniversary of federal government support for public transportation. The success of public transportation can be traced back to one of the late President Lyndon Johnson’s greatest accomplishments which continues benefiting many Americans today.  On July 9th, 1964 he signed the “Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964” into law.  Subsequently this has resulted in the investment over time of several hundred billion dollars into public transportation. 

Millions of Americans including many residing in New Jersey today on a daily basis utilize various public transportation alternatives. They include local and express bus, ferry, jitney, light rail, subway and commuter rail services. All of these systems use less fuel and move far more people than conventional single occupancy vehicles. Most of these systems are funded with your tax dollars thanks to President Johnson.

Depending upon where you live, consider the public transportation alternative. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New Jersey Transit and PATH provide many of these services. Try riding a local or express bus, commuter van, ferry, light rail, commuter rail or subway. 

The ability to travel from home to workplace, school, shopping, entertainment, medical, library etc. is a factor when moving to a new neighborhood.  Economically successful communities are not 100% dependent on automobiles as the sole means of mobility. Seniors, students, low and middle income people need these transportation alternatives. Investment in public transportation today contributes to economic growth, employment and a stronger economy. Dollar for dollar, it is one of the best investments we can make.


Larry Penner

Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 NY Office

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