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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

New Benches! Enjoy It!

Perth Amboy city residents: how is the mayor doing? I also noticed there’s new or refurbished benches on Smith Street – How nice. These benches are to enjoy and appreciate – not to destroy it… We all know Perth Amboy needs to clean up its act. The problem is our city elected officials need to listen and learn from those concerned residents. Remember elected officials can be replaced. Whether you love or hate Perth Amboy – enjoy what’s there.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez 

Just Look Up!

Wanting to take a break from looking at Perth Amboy’s official bird – the pigeon, an attractive young lady and I agreed to take a walk down to Sadowski Parkway and check out the sea gull population – noisy creatures to say the least! On our stroll back we decided to take Brighton Avenue and were surprised by the number of homes that have an air conditioner in their attics! Don’t tell me that there are people living up there! Wouldn’t that be illegal? Hopefully the code enforcement department does not read this letter, or some homeowners may get into trouble! What a field day the inspectors would have! Thank you!

The Honorable, 

Michael Rusznak 

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

I was watching a special on TV the other day about great speeches made by great men. This quote is one by President Franklin Roosevelt ranked up there with the Gettysburg Address and the like, but it rings true today as it ever did.

It was in the inaugural speech he made when he won the presidency in 1933 and it is said that he was referring to the economic difficulties of the great depression that gripped the world at the time. It was thought that it was meant to stem the tide of the rushes on our banks and the panic people were in about being broke, but it could ring true today.

When people are afraid you can get them to do most anything. If you don’t believe that, just look at the Patriot Act. That act would have never passed if the people were not afraid of terrorism. Had the people stopped and thought for a moment they would have realized that the bipartisan act was put into place a little more than two months after the terrorist attacks of 911, as though it was a plan waiting to be put in place already, all it needed was a reason, a name, and someone to blame.

Flash forward to today. Today it’s COVID-19 not terrorism that is at the forefront of our fears. All you have to do is find a reason, a name, and someone to blame.

Well we have a reason already and that is COVID-19. Let’s make it sound as bad as we can. There have been 4,813,944 deaths worldwide. Well with a population of around 7.7 billion that’s roughly .06 percent, for those who like percentages. Not bad enough, we have to make it sound worse.

Let’s try positive cases. There were 235,577,590 positive cases worldwide, wow that’s a little worse, but when you see that there were 212,434,326 recoveries worldwide it doesn’t seem so bad. Not to mention that most of the deaths were among the elderly with pre-existing conditions and that our early treatments of the disease were actually killing people.

I know, let’s blame the unvaccinated, or to put it another way, the people who would not drink the “Kool-Aid”. That’s it, we will use the fear to vilify them and blame them for the spread of the disease. After all it will be easy with this country divided as it is. We’ll just turn the “Sheeple” against the people who didn’t drink the “Kool Aid” so they really won’t see what’s happening and by the time they do it will already be too late.               

What is happening you ask. Big Pharma and their partners are making billions of dollars. That’s what’s happening. If you want proof, ask yourself this:

1. Why did Biden make it mandatory for all federal employees to get the Pfizer vaccine except for congress, oh yea, and postal employees? Are they somehow immune? It is said that presidential executive orders can only apply to the executive branch and not the legislative branch. I say balderdash.  

He made a mistake with the postal employees. Seems that they were not covered under the federal employees mandate so he rectified that by using the Labor Department and OSHA. Look it up. That still leaves congress.

2. Why did the FDA give authorization to the Pfizer vaccine, (now called     Comirnaty), without publishing the clinical efficacy and safety reviews with the letter of authorization like they normally do.

But getting back on topic. We now have a reason and someone to blame, all we need is a name. Well how about Mandatory Vaccinations, yea that sounds right. And not just any old vaccine it has to be Comirnaty. Who is in whose pocket?

You may say, “we are following the science”, that seems to be the catch all. But there are drugs that are used to treat COVID-19 that do an exceptional job, but no, you have to be vaccinated or nothing.

There is a province in India with 240 million people in it. It is impossible to social distance, yet they have declared that they are now COVID free because of an anti viral drug they are using. Is this a lie or are we not following the science, or is the science not to the liking of the “powers that be”?

Look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you want to get the vaccine, get the vaccine, more power to you. But if you got it don’t look down your nose at me because I won’t “drink the Kool-Aid”

Joe Bayona

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We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, and emphasize that it is important: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!
Report Suspicious Activity – Be Vigilant – STAY ALERT! Do not think that any call or report is too small. Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life.