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THE COMMUNITY VOICE: Letters to the Editor

Whom Do We Trust?

Here we go again! More fake hysteria by the puppet controlled mainstream media on COVID and Dr. Strange-Mind Fauci keeps telling us different stories on COVID. Also, how many are still getting COVID that were vaccinated? And those booster shots – does it work? Remember, the vaccine is experimental drug use on humans – not on rats. If you oppose or ask real questions about COVID those in power will “Destroy You” or they’ll make you a “Domestic Terrorist” for the fun of it. Plus, Facebook is using censorship if you comment on the truth. And last keep your eyes on Russia and the Ukraine – “The Fog of War”.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez 


A recent writer was mistaken in his definition of “well-regulated” for the meaning in the 18th and 19th century of “proper working condition”.  He cannot name any regulation that was in effect then. 

More people are killed by motor vehicles, what is their solution?

Recently many states liberalized their laws to allow people to “keep and bear arms”. The 1968 Federal gun control law was followed by an escalation in firearm deaths. Most firearm deaths are suicides. Why do some people ignore history?

R.A. Sobieraj



President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer remind me of the Three Stooges, Moe, Larry, and Curley.  Except they made us all laugh. Biden, Pelosi and Schumer make us want to cry. All three claim that the $1.85 trillion Build Back America Bill is fully paid for.  Only fellow Democrat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has the courage to challenge this charade.  

The result will end up increasing our national debt by hundreds of billions. There is no guarantee that many of the anticipated spending offsets and future revenue sources will actually come to fruition. Any spending provisions that sunset after several years versus the full authorization period seldom occur. Once recipients count on these new entitlements, Congress always seems to find funding to extend them. Have you even read of any elected official proudly announcing that his pet program will end? The Congressional Budget Office conducted an honest review for the cost of this legislation. They added up the costs for such programs as expansion of Obama care, childcare subsidies, universal pre-kindergarten and others that would only be funded for the first few years rather than becoming permanent. The real cost for this bill assuming Congress extends funding several years down the road for the full ten years would add an additional $3 trillion in long term debt. So much for truth in advertising. If you or I managed our finances like Biden, Pelosi and Schumer, we would have been audited by the IRS and sentenced to serve hard time in prison… 


Larry Penner

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