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Potential Easement on City Property and Rentals Discussed

7/13/22 Council Meeting

By Katherine Massopust

SOUTH AMBOY – Council Vice President Christine Noble ran the meeting since Council President Mickey Gross participated via remote. The meeting began at 6:03 p.m.
City Engineer Mark Rasimowicz explained an easement request for 524 John Street. He stated that the owner is remodeling his property and wanted a landing which encroached 3-feet into city property and applied for an easement.

City Clerk Deborah Brooks stated that the owner paid the $1,500 deposit of escrow.

Councilwoman Zusette Dato asked if the Zoning Officer thought it was not a good proposal.

Rasimowicz stated that the matter was reviewed with the Zoning Officer. He stated that the stairs could be turned at a 90o angle, and the owner would not need the easement. “If the council feels no easement is necessary, this will go back to the resident.” He then stated that if this is done, it may affect the owner’s plans for renovations of his property by encroaching into a retaining wall.

Mayor Fred Henry asked if this was already discussed with the homeowner.

Rasimowicz answered that the property owner is renovating their home and moving the door.

It was decided to go back to the owner and see if the easement is necessary.

Business Administrator Glenn Skarzynski went over the consent agenda and explained each item. A vehicle for the police department and a vehicle for the fire department, and for the OEM was on the agenda as a contract for road improvements. Also included was the purchase of a new audio system for the court/council room.

Deborah Brooks was reappointed city clerk from 2022-2025.

Council Comments:
Councilman Brian McLaughlin thanked the food pantry volunteers and donors. “Enjoy your summer.”

Councilwoman Zusette Dato said, “The fireworks were stunning. It was quite an event. The display was stellar. There is so much planning. Thank you to all who made it happen. I thank the OEM, the Fire Department, Police Department, First Aid Squad and everyone. It was a special event and occasion.” Dato then said, “We are having another Lunch and Learn on July 20th on Understanding Changes with Aging. On Monday, July 25th the Bowl for Hunger event is taking place. Please donate. Every Wednesday there is Music at Waterfront Park.” Dato then stated, “As for the recycling issue, Council President Mickey Gross is working with the county to improve the situation.”
Law Director Francis Womack had no comments.

Council Vice President Christine Noble had not comments.
Mayor Fred Henry said, “Enjoy the car show outside tonight. Shop local. Keep our businesses going. I am pleased the resolution passed for our streets to be paved.” Mayor Henry noted that Main Street will begin as early as Monday.
Council President Mickey Gross had no comments.

Business Administrator Glenn Skarzynski said, “I want to thank the council for reappointing our clerk. She is a stellar addition. She sees things don’t fall through the cracks.” Skarzynski proudly added, “In a few weeks, we will reopen our ballparks.”

Public Portion:
Resident Greg Babolack asked, what is the occupancy rate at the new apartment buildings were and how many people were renting from them.

B.A. Glenn Skarzynski said, “They are almost full.”

Babolack then asked, “Are you aware there are giving two months free (rent)? How does that affect the PILOT?”

Skarzynski answered, “We have not yet received a report yet. At the end of the day, they are on the hook for occupancy.”

Babolack asked, “Why are they giving out two free months of rent?”

Skarzynski explained that this is not unusual to offer an incentive to potential renters.

The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Councilman Tom Reilly was not present.

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