Letters to the Editor

1683 Society, Inc. Position Letter on The Restoration of “Sunshine Alley”

“It has been said that, at its best, preservation engages the past in a conversation with the present over a mutual concern for the future.”

– William Murtagh, first keeper of the National Register of Historic Places

Sunshine Alley
*Photos Submitted

The cobblestones that were laid in Sunshine Alley over 100 years ago evoke a time long past. They remind the people of our community of the importance of this area and harken back to an era when we were literally laying the foundations of our City. We can envision the men working hard, digging and laying cobblestones to form a path to the Market Square. We can picture in our minds important historical figures passing through and residing in Perth Amboy. While many road features like this have been lost to modernity throughout the State and, indeed, around the Country, Perth Amboy’s remains. Covering this street with blacktop and removing these cobblestones will forever erase these visions, as well as destroy a symbol of Perth Amboy’s history.

It is our hope as a non-profit association representing the Historic Waterfront District that the City will repair and restore these cobblestones to preserve this part of our community.

We are available for any community assistance or outreach this project may necessitate. Please feel free to reach out to us.

Cindy A. Gadek
Certificate in Historic Preservation, Drew University
1683 Society Trustee/Officer
On behalf of 1683 Society, Inc.


Election Time – Your Vote Counts

It’s that time of the year – Elections time! It’s when politicians fulfill their broken promises. Their promises to you will go through one ear and out the other until now. Politics in Perth Amboy became the city of broken promises. Elected Officials and Candidates love to buy your votes. It has always been a showcase for the voters with entertainment, giveaways, and free food. Mayor after mayor has stated, “I need another four years to finish my projects.”

Now, it is time for the voters to realize what is important to them. It is said that Perth Amboy needs to move forward. We are still on standby. Over the last years, there were some accomplishments and there were some failures. This election should be the decision of the voters for Perth Amboy to either to succeed or fail. Perth Amboy needs to modernize for the new generations. It’s time to make a difference. So, go out and vote! And remember, be careful who you vote for.

Orlando “Wildman” Perez


Our Reign as a Superpower is in Danger of Coming to an End

Our national debt has now reached $31.130 trillion and is on a path to grow by trillions more for years to come. Today’s tab averages $93,423 per citizen or $247,325 per taxpayer. (Source: October 8, 2022, National Debt Clock)

It is time to install a national debt clock with daily updates in both Congress and the White House. They can see how much they are adding to long term debt every time they pass spending bills dependent upon borrowing to pay the tab.

Who is going to bail out Uncle Sam to pay for this? Government, the private sector and citizens must make difficult financial decisions on how to use existing resources. Americans prioritize their own family budgets. They make the hard choices in how existing household financial resources will be spent. The President and Congress should do likewise…

The world’s favored currency is our dollar. This could end if Washington will not control annual increases in spending and debt. If things continue the way they are, China may surpass us, and the yuan becomes the world’s favored currency. Our reign as the #1 superpower will come to an end like all empires.

Larry Penner


The Best Interest for All

As the election for city council in Perth Amboy draws nearer, please be aware that because of personal agendas due to their ethnicity and/or occupations some candidates may favor one group of citizens and not have the best interests of all taxpayers on their minds. Elected officials should have the needs of all who pay for this city to be run as their primary concern rather than the requirements or wishes of a select few. For indeed to be blindly for something is just as bad as being prejudice against!

Thank you!
The Honorable Michael Rusznak


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We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, and emphasize that it is important: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!
Report Suspicious Activity – Be Vigilant – STAY ALERT! Do not think that any call or report is too small. Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life.