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The Citizens Campaign To Hold Perth Amboy Storm Resiliency Conference

Press Release 4/17/15


Graphic by Amboy Guardian

PERTH AMBOY – The Citizens Campaign announced today that it is hosting a Building Storm Resiliency Conference on Saturday, April 25 in Perth Amboy. The Conference will focus on what the City is currently doing and on what more it can do to better prepare for the intense storms that scientists predict could be one of the weather impacts of climate change. Among  the topics to be discussed are how to bring flooding and other storm-water impacts to the forefront of city planning, what kinds of infrastructure improvements are needed, and what steps can be taken to improve drainage citywide.

The Citizens Campaign Chair Harry Pozycki said, “We look forward to a robust and informative discussion about the steps Perth Amboy can take to become more resilient. It is essential  to do all we can to prepare for future storms.”

The conference will include a panel discussion featuring the following participants: Chris Sturm, Senior Director of State Policy, New Jersey Future, Michelle Hartmann, Design Specialist, Rutgers Water Resources Program and Greg Fehrenbach, Perth Amboy’s former Business Administrator.  Mayor Wilda Diaz will kick-off the Conference with opening remarks.

The Conference will be held at the City Council Chambers in City Hall, which is located at 260 High Street. It begins at 10 AM and ends at 100 PM.. There is no charge to attend and it is open to the public. Refreshments will be served. New Jersey Future and the New Jersey Urban Mayor’s Association are co-hosting the Conference..

Building increased storm resiliency brings many potential benefits to a community. It not only saves lives and limits damage to property and buildings; it also saves money and fosters new and innovative economic development.   According to Judith Rodin, author of the Resilience Dividend., “It costs 50 percent more to rebuild in the wake of a disaster than to build the infrastructure to withstand the shock.”  Further, more companies are considering whether communities are resilient–able to minimize and withstand storm damage–when making location decisions.

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