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EDITORIAL: When the Smoke Settles

DebatesI don’t know about anybody else, but I’m tired of the debates of potential Presidential candidates on both sides.

The constant bickering and name calling is tiresome. It seems that the moderators are losing control. Candidates constantly talk over each other, raise their voices and eventually none are getting their point across.

It is sort of embarrassing, especially when you start out with a large field of candidates and the verbal attacks started.

How many times can you ask the same questions over and over again? I’m tired of the name calling as if they were in grade school. I remember when I used to watch the beauty pageants on television when each finalist was asked the same question.

I haven’t watched any of these contests in a few years. There is one thing that I remember which I felt was very unique and fair.

Each contestant had to answer the same question. When a contestant was answering that question, the other finalists were not able to hear that question or the answer given by any other contestant

This is what should be done when they have the final two candidates for each party. This way, the candidate who answers the question last does not have any advantages or disadvantages.

All of a sudden when a candidate has to drop out because of low polling, they now endorse the person that they did a hatchet job before. I’m just scratching my head.

I guess some individuals are jockeying for a cabinet position an appointment as a department head.

I hear a lot of former politicians become lobbyists which I hear can pay very well. What I find very funny or strange is when they drag people out of the woodwork who ran for President before to badmouth someone who they praised just a short time ago. To me, the person who was dragged out of the woodwork just make themselves look small by demeaning the person who they previously praised and who helped them out in their failed campaign in 2012. I don’t know what that person hoped to accomplish or what he was promised, but it was a failed mission. He may have sunk his own ship if he decided to get back into the political waters.

The sad part is I really liked that woodsman (a.k.a. the person who they dragged out of the woods).

People may be puzzled why I say that. I liked him as a family man. I liked his dynamics with his wife and how she struggled through her disability and how they have a blended family.

When the Republican debates were going on and there were many more candidates involved, I wish the moderators would have asked them a certain question. Here it is: “Look at the other candidates on the stage. If you had to pick a existing position to place them in the White House if you were elected, what would it be?” (It can’t be newly created position such as court jester.)

The candidates would have to take it seriously. If they made  a joke of that, they would be have been eliminated from participation from that particular debate.

No matter what anyone says and what political party you belong to, you have to admit that the Republican Party had very diverse candidates to start with. Every single candidate whether you are Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Libertarian, etc., had at least one good idea. Every so often candidates agreed with  each other on certain positions.

I had to chuckle when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talked about her deleted e-mails at one of the Democratic Debates. Sanders said, “People are tired about hearing about your (Clinton’s) e-mails.”

Clinton replied back, “So am I.”

Well, earlier this week, the gentleman who set up Hillary’s server was given immunity.

Suddenly VP Joe Biden has been resurrected and has been making a lot of personal appearances. They may be dusting him off, shining him up and dragging him out of the woodwork’s in case Clinton’s ship sinks.   Tune in.  C.M.

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