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Perth Amboy Inaugurates Monument to Juan Pablo Duarte, Founding Father of the Dominican Republic

Press Release 9/27/14

On Saturday September 27, 2014 the City of Perth Amboy accepted the gift of the Juan Pablo Duarte Monument from the Dominican Community. Numerous Perth Amboy residents gathered at the beautiful Perth Amboy Waterfront to witness this historic event.  It was a remarkable ceremony on a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon.

9-27-14 JPD Memorial Pic (1) bbbbThe Perth Amboy High School Band accompanied the national anthems, there were poems recited, musical performances by children and adults, a historical review by historian Jesús Méndez Jiminián, music and folk dancing among other things.

Reverend Monsegnor John B. Gordon, pastor of Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish delivered the invocation.

Among the attendees were New Jersey State Assemblyman Hon. Craig Coughlin, Perth Amboy Mayor, Hon. Wilda Diaz, Council members Joel Pabon, Fernando Irizarry, Lisa Nanton and William Petrick. The masters of ceremony were Damaris Diaz and Freddy Perez.

The inaugural festivities began on September 21st with the celebration of a Mass in honor of Juan Pablo Duarte at the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish presided by Father Nicolás Ureña. On Friday September 26, under the coordination of Professor Sarah Aponte, representing the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, and the participation of the renowned poet and writer Rhina Espaillat, with translators Antonio Pérez and Nelson Santana, the Juan Pablo Duarte Committee organized a presentation on Juan Pablo Duarte’s writings  and their translation into English.

Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz accepts the gift of the Juan Pablo Duarte Monument as a gift to the City from the JPD Committee and the Dominican Community. (L to R) Manuel Nunez, Victor Quezada (back), Rosendo Guerra, Mayor Wilda Diaz, Millie Abreu, Fredy Rodriguez, Lidia Abreu, Fredy Perez, Samuel Lebreault, Enrique Hernandez, Inosencio Pena and Damaris Diaz. *Photos Submitted by Naty Abreu

Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz accepts the gift of the Juan Pablo Duarte Monument as a gift to the City from the JPD Committee and the Dominican Community. (L to R) Manuel Nunez, Victor Quezada (back), Rosendo Guerra, Mayor Wilda Diaz, Millie Abreu, Fredy Rodriguez, Lidia Abreu, Fredy Perez, Samuel Lebreault, Enrique Hernandez, Inosencio Pena and Damaris Diaz.
*Photos Submitted by Naty Abreu

The Monument’s inaugural events culminated with an extraordinary gala dinner with legendary Joseito Mateo and the orchestra of Victor Quezada. During this event, the keynote speaker was historian Alfonso Torres Ulloa. The Juan Pablo Duarte Committee presented a plaque of appreciation to Hon. Mayor Wilda Diaz for her efforts in support of the Monument.

Juan Pablo Duarte was born on January 26, 1813 and died on July 15, 1876.  In addition to being the founding father of the Dominican Republic, Juan Pablo Duarte left an important legacy to the world.  His honesty, faith, unselfishness, commitment to service, patriotism and passion for education, unity and justice from an early age make him an inspiring role model for everyone, but specially for the youth. He lived his life as a global citizen as he lived in the United States, Venezuela and Europe and spoke six different languages.

In 2007, the City of Union City led by Hon. State Senator and Mayor Brian Stack made the decision to donate a bronze bust of Juan Pablo Duarte to the City of Perth Amboy. The city administration received the bust and embarked on selecting a permanent location to place it.  The city then conducted a survey of Perth Amboy Dominican residents for selecting the best location for the bust.  The overwhelming choice was the Caledonia /Roessler Park located near the waterfront.

In 2008, the City of Perth Amboy renamed the chosen park and formally became Roessler/Caledonia/ Honorary Juan Pablo Duarte Park.  It is in this backdrop that a group of local Dominicans formed a committee to ensure the bust would be properly placed in this park. The Juan Pablo Duarte Committee started to raise funds from local residents and businesses with the intent to build a monument where the bust could be placed. With the Committee’s hard work and dedication, the city council approved the placement of the Juan Pablo Duarte Monument.

It was then and still is the dream of the Juan Pablo Duarte Committee that this monument signal to the community that we all embrace Perth Amboy’s multicultural heritage.  It is also our goal that this monument becomes a symbol not only for representing an important figure in Dominican heritage, but also someone with universal values.

The Juan Pablo Duarte Monument demonstrates to residents and visitors alike that Perth Amboy is a city that has and will always welcome immigrants; for it has been immigrants that gave us our history, hold our present and shape the future of our great City.

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